Caring for and Healing the Earth

Tracker School Caretaker Classes

Nov 2001 Caretaker Class

Page 13 of 20


Friday November 2, 2001


Tom talked about various non-physical caretaking issues. Then students went out to do an inner vision exercise, sensing the landscape in a much deeper way, with great awareness. Essentially a "walking meditation".

Then this exercise was repeated in groups, with each group working towards arriving at a common understanding of the problem in an area, and arriving at a solution.


The class went to the Medicine Waters area.

Here each group placed their mouse houses. Tom spoke at length about the destruction taking place in the area. People were then free to explore and do some caretaking work in the area.


Mouse House placement

Tom Brown explaining to the class the placement of the mouse house -- how to select the best location, and how to place it.
Tom Brown, continuing his explanation.

The "installed" mouse house is barely visible at the bottom of this picture, in the center, a slightly darker patch of leaves.

The mouse house that Tom "installed", with a notebook for scale.

The mouse house is the patch of leaves to the left of the notebook.

Closeup of the mouse house.
Some Caretaker class students placing their mouse houses.

After the mouse houses were placed in suitable locations, the class went down to the shore of the Medicine Waters stream.
The garbage bags are full of trash that the class collected from the area.

Three more pages of pictures of the Medicine Waters start on the next page...


This evening was spent at the Primitive camp. Students were instructed to wander about the landscape, listening to the land, being open to whatever comes to them. Then meet together in groups and discuss the exercise.


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