Caring for and Healing the Earth


Tracker School Caretaker Classes

Nov 2001 Caretaker Class

Page 12 of 20

Thursday November 1, 2001
At The Culvert (Page 2 of 2)

Another brand new ATV trail. This one is quite new, and hasn't yet been used much.

It needs to be closed up somehow, before it gets larger.

Here a student is picking up trash. 

Really getting into the work.
A broad area of destruction. This probably used to be a series of shallow ponds with marsh grasses.

Some students have placed fallen trees in the way to hopefully discourage motorized travel through this area. You can see them still working in the distance. 

After the work period, Tom asked the students to investigate a nearby cedar swamp that has so far had no intrusion into it by ATVs.

This swamp has had no caretaking work done on it over the years. Tom asked the class to note how small and stunted the cedar trees are here, saying that this is directly due to this lack of caretaking.

Stalking Wolf left this area alone as an example.


Here are a couple of pictures illustrating some attempts to close of a side road.
Not a lot could be done in the limited time that the class had for working here.

These fallen trees won't stop the really determined ATV'er, but may server to discourage those who are less aggressive, or haven't yet "discovered" this side road.

Click here for an update on the condition of the Caretaking efforts done in this area.


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