Caretaking and the Tracker
Caretaking spans the entire range of skills taught by Tom Brown at the
Tracker School. Here is a sampling:
Tracking skills are necessary to determine what
animals are in an area and what trails they use. This way you will
know what animals to encourage and which animals to discourage. Also
which trails to open up to which animals. For example, if you
know that an area used to support lots of rabbits, and could again, you
might want to open up trails specifically for rabbits.
Nature Class skills are valuable in analyzing trail
Philosophy skills are necessary to determine what the
land and nature wants you to do to heal or repair damage, or what to refrain
from doing.
Advanced Awareness skills enhance the Philosophy
Standard class skills help one to better be able to
build animal shelters from natural materials.
Scout skills are applied to hiding the caretaking
work that one is doing, so as to not attract attention to an area.
This is especially important if the area needs to remain undisturbed, or if
the goal is to reduce the disturbance caused by humans.