Tracker School Caretaker Classes
Nov 2001 Caretaker Class
Page 14 of 20
November 2, 2001
Medicine Waters
(Page 1 of 3)
These are the Medicine Waters...
This is how it looked in years
past |
A pristine, deep,
swift-flowing Pinelands stream. In some places the water is
over your head.
Grasses wave in the current.
The water is cold and refreshing. In past
years you could drink your fill as you swam.
But that's not what most people see today when they
visit the Medicine Waters.
Instead, they see the following: |

View downstream from the beach
(towards the left)

View upstream from the beach
(towards the right)
Where are the grasses? Where is the
deep, swift-flowing current? All we see is a relatively shallow stream filled with
sand and gravel. |
And off to the left of the
main beach, right near the water's edge...A newly made ATV trail. |
Welcome to the Medicine
Waters of today.
This is a view looking toward the beach:
A vast expanse of sand and gravel, with nothing growing or living in
it. A true desert. When Tom Brown was young
there was just a small trail that led through here down to the
stream. On the bank of the stream was a little sand beach. The
trail isn't so small any more! What has brought about this catastrophic change? |
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These photos were taken at the
Caretaker class in Nov 2001
Copyright © Walter Muma